Behind the Buzz
Hello, my name is Dani. I'm a thirty something, married mum of two wonderful boys and I am currently studying for a degree in Marketing.
I started Build the Buzz in March 2024, although I have been working on social media for longer than I care to admit!
I started my career working in education, not as a teacher (I'm not that brave!) but in the office. I enjoyed my general office admin responsibilities, but I LOVED being able to help the teaching staff with fun projects like school plays and once, I made a GIANT Wonka Bar!
(I still proudly share this when it pops up on my Facebook memories every year!)
One project I particularly enjoyed was raising money for a sports pitch to be built on the school playground. Coming up with fundraising ideas, creating marketing materials, monitoring the school social media. I LOVED IT ALL!
I then moved to another local school, taking on a role that had more involvement in monitoring the school social media, creating marketing materials for the school and organising the school fundraising events (raising money for a school mini bus was a particular highlight!).
Over the years I have also organised two fundraising events for children's cancer, supporting a local charity. Both were a great success, raising money for a great cause, and being shared in the local paper. The unicorn and Mad Hatters Tea Party went down very well with the children!
Social media played a very important role in making these events a success and I loved taking advantage of the exposure it gave them.
After leaving education, I breifly worked for a local charity, helping with social media and the promotion of their fundraising events. Unfortunately, the charity was forced to close due to a lack of funding and we were all made redundent.
In July 2023, I was working for a local insurance company, with the perfect hours to fit around my children and a lovely team around me. But I was MISERABLE! the job didn't challenge me, and I became quite depressed.
I am now running my own business and am in my second year of completing my degree!